Troubleshooting & Tech Support

Solving internet or technical issues can be a time consuming process filled with frustration, sometimes resulting in wasted time and resources. Leave your technical problems to our experts so that your staff can use their time to focus on their work. Technical trouble in the office can halt your workflow for weeks on end, rendering essential equipment or software ineffective and even useless.

Hardware Sales & Maintenance

Tech Services Global has a wide variety of hardware solutions for every area of your business. From your reception desk to your conference room, we offer a full range of affordable, high quality products. We also provide maintenance for any your existing equipment and any equipment you purchase from Tech Services Global.

Server Installation & Maintenance

One of the most demanding tasks in the technological department of your business is installing and maintaining your servers. Our staff has years of experience in this field installing secure servers for companies of all sizes and backgrounds. We offer scalable solutions tailored to your specific needs that will grow and adapt to your business over the years.

Design & Other Services

No task is too small for our team of professionals to take on. If you need assistance with design or another service not listed above, don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote. Whether you need a new logo, a website makeover or help setting up your company’s email server, we are ready to listen to your needs and assist you through every step of the process.